Calling All Retirees: 332 Needs You!

You worked your whole life – now what? Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy life, but it can also be daunting to no longer have the day-to-day structure of work. By staying active in Local 332 and our community, you stay connected to your union brothers and sisters, and you’ll always have something meaningful to do!

  • Attend monthly membership meetings: first Tuesday of the month
  • Join the retiree or golf committee
  • Become an instructor, lab tech, or volunteer at the ETASV
  • Support pro-labor political candidates and policies that keep members working to support our pensions
  • Volunteer in the community and show IBEW pride

Union Retirees Are in High Demand! Get Involved Today!

To get involved with the ETASV, contact Albert Lancaster:

To get involved with politics, contact Will Smith:

To join the retiree committee, contact Gary McDowell:

To join the golf committee, contact Sal Ventura:

“After decades of working in the field and getting up early, I’m content to throw out my alarm clock. I like staying involved with the union because I enjoy seeing old friends and being a part of a larger cause that’s making a positive impact in our community.”

Share Your Skills at the ETASV                       

You’ve had a lifetime of building your skills in the field. You probably remember those instructors and journeymen who brought you up, and now’s your chance to be there for the next generation. Become an instructor at the ETASV, assist in the labs, be an evaluator for exams, review apprentice applications, or volunteer at events. Earn extra money, stay connected to the electrical trade, and most importantly, make a difference for the next generation of electricians.

Contact Albert Lancaster, ETASV director, at

“For so many members, their whole identity is being an electrician, and when they retire, their self-worth is taken away. Teaching is very rewarding. It goes beyond the curriculum to teaching the apprentices about life.”

Support Politics That Benefit Us         

You can help protect and expand our PLAs, elect pro-labor candidates, and keep members working to support our pensions. Join Local 332’s Political Action Committee (PAC). Get your steps in by dropping literature for pro-labor candidates/ballot measures. Be a part of the political process by showing up for city council meetings. And stand up together as a union for policies that benefit our members.

To join 332’s PAC or just learn more, contact Will Smith at

“Nationally, there is an effort to reduce social security and defined benefit pensions. By getting involved in politics, we can protect our quality of life. Regardless of political party, we all agree on supporting standards for labor.”

Socialize at Union Activities         

The union that plays together stays together. Local 332 has a wide range of union activities and volunteering opportunities to stay connected, see old friends, or make new ones. Our membership meeting is the first Tuesday of the month. Our retiree and golf committees welcome new members. We have events like Classic Cars & Coffee, going to see our local sports teams, and our annual family picnic. And we volunteer to better our community at places like Second Harvest Food Bank.

For events and more info, come to this website!

“IBEW Local 332 is like my family, and when you stay connected, that’s the feeling you get. With other activities for retirees, people are retired from office jobs. With 332, we have shared experiences and common interests.”

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