
In-Person Union Meetings

Our in-person union meetings are going strong every first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at the hall. Join us to learn more about union business, political issues, and community service opportunities, while enjoying the camaraderie of union brothers and sisters. For more union updates, visit this website or go to:




Local 332 President Javier Casillas


In the last economic downturn, 332 had over 350 travelers working while local brothers and sisters were out of work. Many had to leave our jurisdiction to provide for their families. We are now in another potential downturn and are currently running with 750-800 travelers. Did you know that only 332 members fund our pension, while travelers’ money goes back to their home locals? That is how reciprocity works. Only 332 members can preserve our future conditions. Here’s what’s in your toolbox:

  • Step up and run work when asked so 332 brothers and sisters are in charge of our work, rather than travelers.
  • Keep your skills sharp and take some upgrade courses.
  • Keep your state cert. current with the renewal date in your calendar.
  • Attend every union meeting (bimonthly or quarterly works too).
  • Read the 332 and I/O newsletters, emails from the hall, and all pension/health & welfare communications.
  • Call the hall for all CBA questions and interpretations.
  • Look out for each other on the job site and in our communities.

You might be thinking, “I just want to go to work.” Here is the deal: “We need to man our 332 work with 332 hands!” Our conditions are what we make of them. It’s understandable that you may not want to go to certain contractors, but if we don’t man as much work as possible, there will be an accumulation of travelers, depriving our pension fund. As 332 journeymen, we need to keep each other working in busy and slow times. Our retirees depend on our pension contributions, just like you will depend on the next generation when you retire. As IBEW Local 332 brothers and sisters, we are responsible for one another and our collective future.

Upcoming IBEW Local 332 Social Events: Join us!

April 7th: Annual Sporting Clays @ Coyote Valley

May 6th: 332 Annual Classic Cars & Coffee @ the union hall

June 3rd: Annual 332 San Jose Giants Night

July 8th: Annual 323 Picnic @ Coyote Ranch

Our Condolences

Local 332 honors our members who have recently passed away. We honor their lives and their years of service in the field. Our hearts go out to their loved ones.

Harvey Incerpi                         D.O.D. 4/13/22

Edward Bowman                     D.O.D. 6/26/22

Terrence R. Sales-Lee             D.O.D. 8/25/22

James Bauerle                         D.O.D. 11/18/22

Leland M. Jackson                   D.O.D. 11/23/22

Shawn Lawson                        D.O.D. 12/4/22

Donald Harris                          D.O.D. 12/4/22

Mario Talamante                    D.O.D. 12/14/22

Ray V. Hernandez                    D.O.D. 12/29/22

Richard Maxwell                      D.O.D. 1/4/23

William R. Barber                    D.O.D. 2/1/23

Larry Guida II                           D.O.D 2/9/23



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