A Message from Our Business Manager

Greetings Brothers & Sisters:                                                                                           

I hope this article finds you all healthy, enjoying the fall, and looking forward to the upcoming holidays which always seem to creep up.

When members ask, “How are things going?,” my reply is usually, “Getting better all the time.” This might be too optimistic for some, but I feel “things” can always improve. There are nervousness and rumors of potential layoffs as we come out of the inflationary economic downturn. Over the last 14 months, we worked 20% fewer hours as a local. However, calls have increased, and we have taken in our first inside classes in over a year.

We have a high number on the out-of-work list, and we remain in RBL. Yet calls are going to Books 2 and 3. It’s a concern when a Stanford call comes in, and Book 1 hands pass, saying say, “Nah, that’s too far.” We know we have the best conditions when Book 2 hands say the same thing. We will always make our own conditions, and they exist whether it’s busy or slow. I encourage you to work when you have the opportunity and take calls as they come in.

On another note, I have been receiving a lot of texts about politics. I want to remind you that democracy is not free, and freedom comes with strings attached. Please remember that political ideologies are deeply entrenched and usually passed down between generations. Trying to convince members otherwise is asking people to go against what their parents have taught them.

I hope you remember that regardless of party, we are IBEW 332 first, and we need to unify our message as one voice. I know, easier said than done. Please listen and be patient with each other. Never forget that whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or independent, we share union rights, and we must point in the same direction to preserve our work and our future.

Always Union,

Javier M. Casillas
Business Manager


Can I get a 332!                 

I often ask myself, “Are we doing enough for members and our community?” My job is to help members realize their true potential, always improve conditions, create the best opportunities to be successful, and educate folks about why IBEW 332 is important. We are steeped in traditions, passed down through generations which pave the way for members to grow your families and retire with dignity. Together as a union family, we share our successes and failures. That’s what families do, we pick each other up when we are down and dust each other off when we trade ass-kicks.

In the end, let’s continue to work together to have one union voice as Local 332!

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